
Librairie Internationale V.O.

Weiden, David

Simon & Schuster

Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
30 mai 2024

A thrilling way to discover some Native American traditions...

Virgile is the enforcer/hitman in a Lakota tribe’s reserve in South Lakota in the 2000s. He is regularly employed by members of the community to dispense justice where the federal police refuses to get involved.

Then heroin appears and begins its macabre path among the youth. Virgil sets off on a mission to stop the epidemic.

I thought this was an absolutely brilliant thriller. We’re dealing with characters who all have strong backgrounds, with relevant and interesting descriptions of Native Americans’ rites and traditions (passage, food, protection, etc.).

Throughout the story, the criticism of American laws that refuse to act on reserves is strong and it totally reflects reality. The writing, plot and characters make the text super easy to read (yes, yes, you’re going to want to read until late at night).

In short, I recommend this book to everyone who likes investigations or is interested in the situation of Native Americans’ life now in the United States.

Frances Hardinge


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
30 mai 2024

You will never read a book like that !

I read this book several months ago, but needed time to digest the sheer magic it brought into my life.

I’ve always had a soft spot for teen novels that can pass for adult fiction and this one is certainly one of them !

Here, Frances Hardinge delivers a vibrant world-building in this spellbinding fantasy adventure of gods, deep-sea creatures and pirates.

The inventiveness and richness of the descriptions will allow you to live a thousand stories in one.

I loved the gentle, ambivalent character of Hark and Selphin (props to Hardinge, when a fan asked her to include a deaf character, not only did she do it but also made her an important character, while taking into account the deaf community’s advices).

If you’re looking for an immersive read, full of verve and suspense that makes you dream, this one is definitely for you.

Can’t wait to discover all of her books !

Percival Everett (Author)


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
30 mai 2024

A retelling of The Aventures of Huckleberry Finn

James is a gripping retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in which Jim is the main character. This time, the story is told by the runaway slave’s point of view, and Percival Everett, far from what Twain presupposed, gives Jim the depth of character that was erased in the first novel.
With James, Everett gives a proud voice to one of the few Black characters in classic literature, underlining his complex personality and the painful life of a runaway slave in the southern states of America. It’s horrifying but also very funny, because Everett uses the themes of the adventures and comic of age novel (many characters, twists, tension, and comical situations and banter) but also add a moving account of an escaped slave’s situation, his view on the world, and his love for his family. It was my first novel from Everett and I can’t wait to discover his other works !

Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
30 mai 2024

A retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

James is a gripping retelling of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in which Jim is the main character. This time, the story is told by the runaway slave’s point of view, and Percival Everett, far from what Twain presupposed, gives Jim the depth of character that was erased in the first novel.
With James, Everett gives a proud voice to one of the few Black characters in classic literature, underlining his complex personality and the painful life of a runaway slave in the southern states of America. It’s horrifying but also very funny, because Everett uses the themes of the adventures and comic of age novel (many characters, twists, tension, and comical situations and banter) but also add a moving account of an escaped slave’s situation, his view on the world, and his love for his family. It was my first novel from Everett and I can’t wait to discover his other works !

Gyasi, Yaa


Conseillé par (Nouvelle Librairie Internationale V.O)
30 mai 2024

You might cry...

Be warned, Transcendent Kingdom is a really sad (but thoughtful) novel. It’s a difficult story to describe as it depicts the rawest emotions with such a calm beauty.

We’re following a family who immigrated from a small town in Ghana to Alabama and struggles to adjust. Through Gifty’s journaling process (the youngest of the family), we discover a woman trying to survive the grief of a brother lost to addiction and a mother trapped in depression while pursuing her ambitions.

This book bravely questions faith, religion, mental health, grief, racism, and so much more. It was pure and heartbreaking, intense and honest. The writing sucks you in immediately being so vivid and raw. The characters were so well crafted, they truly felt real and genuine.
If you’re looking for a novel where trauma meets resilience and strength, this one is for you !